Writing an LLVM compiler using continuation passing

Continuation passing compilers have a strong history and Appel’s book is a must read for anyone interested in the area.

Despite the large body of existing work on CPS compilers, I wanted to give an introduction to writing a simple compile function on first order expressions using Idris. My aim is to give just enough information about the subject to support future posts—we won’t bother to make much use of the flexibility compiling with continuations grants.

This post is written as literate Idris (grab the code here) and passes totality checking. Syntax highlighted pieces of code are the extractable bits; unhighlighted code is merely illustrative and probably won’t compile.

To extract the code, try

$ sed -n '/~~~~{.hask/,/~~~~/p' compiling.md |grep -v '~~~~' > compiling.idr

or for the final LLVM program

$ sed -n '/~~~~{.llvm/,/~~~~/p' compiling.md |grep -v '~~~~' > a.ll

Compiling a language of addition

Consider a simple language of addition on integers. The language obviously needs an Add term which should take two add-language-sub-expressions; the language will also need support for integer literals/immediates and variables.

namespace Exp
  data AddExp : Type -> Type where
    Var : var -> AddExp var
    Lit : Int -> AddExp var
    Add : AddExp var -> AddExp var -> AddExp var

The goal is to compile add expressions to LLVM assembly. Intuitively this machine will have three instructions (add/print/halt) which all operate on values (i.e. don’t accept complicated expressions as arguments). A value in this case is either an integer literal/immediate (e.g. 2, 3, etc.) or a register (e.g. %x0). The type of values is readily expressed in Idris

data Value : (var : Type) -> Type where
  Var : var -> Value var
  Lit : Int -> Value var

We take registers to be of abstract type var allowing a choice of representation such as strings: e.g. “%tmp0”, “%tmp1”, etc.; a counter: 1, 2, 3 which map to %1, %2, %3, etc.; or any other preferred representation such as the use of real Idris variables.

Cobbling together the type of instructions in Idris requires just three constructors:

  1. Add: add two source values and produce a result in a destination register;
  2. Print: print any value; and
  3. Halt: exit the program.

Although these are broadly sufficient, let’s start with an obvious but problematic encoding of instructions to motivate our ultimate solution

data LlvmInstr : Type -> Type where
  Print1 : Value var -> LlvmInstr var
  Halt1 : LlvmInstr var
  Add1 : var -> Value var -> Value var -> LlvmInstr var

Of course a program is a sequence of instructions so as a necessary extension of LlvmInstr we should consider the type of programs LlvmProgram. Naturally we model programs as lists of instructions which are to be executed in order. This intuitively captures the flat, linear way that assembly programs are written down:

LlvmProgram : Type -> Type
LlvmProgram var = List (LlvmInstr var)

Unfortunately however, the naive approach to compiling addition expressions to a list of llvm instructions will fail. To understand why, consider the difficulty of compiling naked values directly to an assembly instruction

compile1 : AddExp String -> LlvmProgram String
compile1 (Var x) = ?compileVar
compile1 (Lit z) = ?compileLit
compile1 (Add e1 e2) = compile e1
                    ++ compile e2
                    ++ ?addE1E2 {- use results of compile e1/e2 in Add1 instr? -}

There are two obviously identifiable problems with the above

  1. as noted it’s unclear how to compile variables and literals; and
  2. extracting the results of e1 and e2 to add together is unobvious (additionally, we should ask where this result could be placed).

Variables and int values don’t have a natural representation in assembly because values aren’t valid instructions; contrast this with the expression language: values are valid expressions. A naked value in an expression is simply returned, e.g. the expression “2” simply evaluates to the result “2”; however even if we had some return instruction Ret, the compiled program compile (Lit z) = [Ret z] will be wrong. Compiling values to return statements means programs such as Add (Lit 2) (Lit 3) produce

compile1 (Add (Lit 2) (Lit 3))
   = compile1 (Lit 2)
  ++ compile1 (Lit 3)
   = [Ret 2]
  ++ [Ret 3]
   = [Ret 2, Ret 3, ...]

Which immediately returns without performing any addition! What about our second problem: where do the intermediate results of compile e1 and compile e2 go? Where is addition of those two results placed?

A simple solution to both of the above problems is for the compile function to produce not only an LlvmProgram, but additionally a value or register which is where the result of the list of instructions was placed. You probably saw this coming if you’ve written a toy compiler with an explicit flattening stage taking e.g. (x + y) + 2 to tmp1 = x + y and tmp2 = tmp1 + 2. In the case of flattening, tmp1 would need to be bubbled up from the flattening of sub-tree x+y to be used when processing the right sub-tree 2. In Idris a naive attempt at this will fail because we need to generate variable names (like tmp1, tmp2) and have no means of doing so

compile2 : AddExp String -> (String, LlvmProgram)
compile2 (Var x) = (x, [])
compile2 (Lit z) = (?litResult, [])
compile2 (Add e1 e2) = let (r1, is1) = compile e1 in
                       let (r2, is2) = compile e2 in
                       is1 ++ is2 ++ [Add1 ?res (Var r1) (Var r2)]

Annoyingly this generation of fresh names (tmp1, tmp2) for intermediate results requires state. Even a simple counter will fail unless the counter’s value is carefully threaded up and down the recursion tere. If this isn’t apparent consider that we can’t know a priori how many values will be required by a given sub-tree so we can’t properly update the counter when we recurse into the next sub-tree (e.g. what is the value of the counter after recursing into the left sub-tree of unknown size?). The standard functional solution to state threading would introduce a triplet of (Int, String, LlvmProgram) instead of the current pair (String, LlvmProgram). Of course using a state monad might improve the situation but under the hood that’s just continuation based!

The use of continuations begs the question: what do continuations provide other than state threading?

Continuations provide the introduction of fresh variable names (name binding, \tmp1 => ...) which is precisely the problem we’re trying to solve. Instead of e.g. generating some string name “tmp1” we can ask the compiler for a name by using a lambda \tmp1 => func tmp1. Of course this name can never escape above its scope so we can only push information down, not bubble it up (with e.g. a pair (tmp1, [])). This should inform our strategy: don’t use explicit intermediate names such as a concrete destination register in the Add1 instruction. Instead the instruction-list structure of a program should be folded into the LlvmInstr type directly, allowing for intermediate results to be directly passed as a bound variable to the remaining instruction-list/program.

Let’s replace the LlvmInstr type with a type of programs: Llvm. The intermediate name used by the Add1 instruction will be replaced with a continuation from the resulting sum, to the program’s tail.

data Llvm : Type -> Type where
  Add : (v : Value var) -> (w : Value var) -> (program : (z : var) -> Llvm var) -> Llvm var
  Print : Value var -> Llvm var -> Llvm var
  Halt : Llvm var

The Print and Halt statements haven’t changed much. Rather than a program being a list of a instructions we directly embed the list structure into the Llvm type just as promised e.g. Print takes a value to print along with the rest of the program (effectively a list tail) prog : Llvm var. The Add instruction has a continuation from its intermediate result z to the program tail.

Although Add is slightly strange, it’s intuitively read as: add takes two values v, and w, and produces a result z = v+w which is used in the proceeding list of instructions i.e. the rest of the program.

Lets consider a simple transformation from explicit destination registers to the continuation encoding to clarify the technique

  Add1 "%tmp1" (Lit 2) (Lit 3) ::
  Add1 "%tmp2" (Var "%tmp1") (Lit 4) ::
  Add1 "%tmp3" (Var "%tmp1") (Var "%tmp2") ::
  Add (Lit 2) (Lit 3) (\tmp1 =>
  Add (Var tmp1) (Lit 4) (\tmp2 =>
  Add (Var tmp1) (Var tmp2) (\tmp3

Writing compile is trivial using continuations. At each step of compilation, the expression being compiled produces some intermediate result value tmp which is fed into the compilation of the rest of the program

compile : AddExp var -> ((tmp : Value var) -> Llvm var) -> Llvm var
compile (Var x) compileProg = compileProg (Var x)
compile (Lit z) compileProg = compileProg (Lit z)
compile (Add e1 e2) compileProg =
  compile e1 (\tmp1 =>
  compile e2 (\tmp2 =>
  Add tmp1 tmp2 (\result =>
  compileProg (Var result))))

Of course at the end of the day we’re producing a string/file to feed into llvm so the need to generate names can’t ultimately be escaped. Fortunately since we’ve eliminated the tree structure and are left with a linear stream of instructions we no longer need state to track used names. In the case of LLVM it’s particularly easy because a counter can be used to directly generate names such as “%1”. Let’s make a pretty print function so we can compile and run our programs

llvmValue : Value String -> String
llvmValue (Var x) = x
llvmValue (Lit z) = show z

prettyLlvm : Int -> Llvm String -> String
prettyLlvm name (Add v w prog) =
  let result = "%" ++ show name
  in result ++ " = add nsw i32 " ++ llvmValue v ++ ", " ++ llvmValue w ++ "\n" ++
     prettyLlvm (name+1) (prog result) 
prettyLlvm name (Print z prog) =
  "call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8], [3 x i8]* @int_format, i64 0, i64 0), i32 " ++ llvmValue z ++ ")\n" ++
  prettyLlvm name prog
prettyLlvm name Halt = "call void @exit(i32 0)\n" ++

We can try this out on a simple program

prog0 : AddExp var
prog0 = Lit 3 `Add` (Lit 2 `Add` Lit 4)

llvm0 : Llvm var
llvm0 = compile prog0 (\result => Print result Halt)

renderedLlvm0 : String
renderedLlvm0 = prettyLlvm 1 llvm0
*m> renderedLlvm0
"%0 = add nsw i32 2, 4\n%1 = add nsw i32 3, %0\ncall i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8], [3 x i8]* @int_format, i64 0, i64 0), i32 %1call void @exit(i32 0)\nunreachable" : String

However this won’t quite compile because the functions printf and exit are undeclared and there’s no main function wrapping the program. These additions are a matter of missing header and footer:

llvmHeader : String
llvmHeader = "@int_format = private constant [3 x i8] c\"%i\\00\"\n" ++
             "declare i32 @printf(i8* nocapture readonly, ...)\n" ++
             "declare void @exit(i32)\n\n"

llvmMain : String -> String
llvmMain prog = "define i32 @main() {\n" ++
                prog ++

That’s everything needed to run the program renderedLlvm0, so let’s test it out.

*m> llvmHeader ++ llvmMain renderedLlvm0
"@int_format = private constant [3 x i8] c\"%i\\00\"\ndeclare i32 @printf(i8* nocapture readonly, ...)\ndeclare void @exit(i32)\n\ndefine i32 @main() {\n%1 = add nsw i32 2, 4\n%2 = add nsw i32 3, %1\ncall i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8], [3 x i8]* @int_format, i64 0, i64 0), i32 %2)\ncall void @exit(i32 0)\nunreachable\n}" : String

Which pretty prints as

@int_format = private constant [3 x i8] c"%i\00"
declare i32 @printf(i8* nocapture readonly, ...)
declare void @exit(i32)

define i32 @main() {
%1 = add nsw i32 2, 4
%2 = add nsw i32 3, %1
call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8], [3 x i8]* @int_format, i64 0, i64 0), i32 %2)
call void @exit(i32 0)

Placing this in a file a.ll, compiling and running gives the expected result

$ clang a.ll -o a
$ ./a

As a bonus exemplifying the use of abstract register type var in Llvm here’s an interpreter for the assembly language

evalVal : Value Int -> Int
evalVal (Var z) = z
evalVal (Lit z) = z

eval : Llvm Int -> IO Unit
eval (Add x y prog) = eval (prog (evalVal x + evalVal y))
eval (Print x prog) = do print (evalVal x) 
                         eval prog
eval Halt = pure ()
*m> eval llvm0
io_bind (io_bind (prim_write "9") (\__bindx => io_pure ()))
        (\__bindx => io_pure ()) : IO ()